3 Ways To Reduce Your Truck Insurance Premiums
With razor thin profit margins and your burning need to stay competitive in today’s logistics environment, you owe it to yourself to maximize your spending on insurance and risk management. Let’s face it, paying for insurance is right up there with paying your taxes. Necessary evil? Perhaps. Inevitable? Yep. Many folks look at insurance…
Are You Eating Stolen Tacos?
Let’s face it. You really don’t know what’s in that taco that you just inhaled. I’m not talking about if the meat is really meat…but where did that meat come from? What about the lettuce? The onions? Catch my drift?Around 25% of all cargo theft involves some type of food product. A great deal of…
Insights on Federal and State Insurance Filings
I originally wrote this in response to a question that was posed on LinkedIn: Of all of the times I’ve seen filings discussed, one of the best explanations of State and Federal filings can be found on Progressive’s website: Progressive Insurance-Filings Progressive Insurance writes a fair amount of owner-operators and coverage…
This Is Not How I Would Define Intermodal!
The Carmack Amendment still governs the movement of most truck freight in the USA. In this legislation, a motor carrier has the burden of proof to show that they weren’t negligent in damaging goods while they are responsible for them. Under this strict liability regime, the carrier is guilty unless they can prove their innocence. However, the motor carrier…
Cargo Risk Tip of the Day! Reefer Rates to Skyrocket!
Over the next year or so, the general freight rates will likely go down a little or stay close to where they are as motor carriers try to strike the delicate balance between capacity and demand. But, I feel like reefer shipping rates are about to move a good deal higher for a few reasons,…
Cargo Risk Tip-Don’t Get Left Out In The Cold-FSMA
Just having a box checked “reefer breakdown” with a limit and a deductible on a certificate of insurance doesn’t really mean everything that you think that it does. When I think of “reefer breakdown”, I define it like this: A mechanical or electrical breakdown of the refrigeration unit that is attached to a trailer.…