Trucking Risk Tip of the Day!
Please share on your favorite site: Would one of your friends enjoy these? Please forward this link to them: We provide these for free because we truly care about the transportation and logistics industry and about protecting those who are in it. If you could find a spare moment to share this on your favorite social media…
The Cargo Risk Tip of the Day!
Please share on your favorite site: Hi Sam, Thanks for subscribing to the Cargo Risk Tip of the Day! Would one of your friends enjoy these? Please forward this link to them: We provide these for free because we truly care about the transportation and logistics industry and about protecting those who are in it. If you…
How To Actually Prevent Cargo Theft
Excellent video that really outlines the issues that cargo theft presents in the economy today! Well worth the time to watch! DFW Cargo Theft News Story Dallas isn’t alone, as their video shows. Atlanta, Southern California, New York/New Jersey area, All of Florida and the greater Chicagoland area are all major hubs for…
How To Grow Your Trucking Business In 2016
The trucking industry historically runs on razor thin profit margins. Insurance costs are increasing, Taxes aren’t going down. The FMCSA is gearing up for more fun and excitement with your company. Here are some ways to help you be more successful in the coming year. Hire Better, Fire Faster Yes, there probably is a…
Trucking Leaders: What Are You Fighting For?
Share on LinkedIn Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Anybody remember the cool 90’s movie PCU? Check out the movie if you’ve never seen it. It’s worth the time and has some good performances by Jeremy Piven (Entourage) and David Spade among others. It wasn’t a box office hit by any stretch of the…
3 Ways To Reduce Your Truck Insurance Premiums
With razor thin profit margins and your burning need to stay competitive in today’s logistics environment, you owe it to yourself to maximize your spending on insurance and risk management. Let’s face it, paying for insurance is right up there with paying your taxes. Necessary evil? Perhaps. Inevitable? Yep. Many folks look at insurance…
Are You Eating Stolen Tacos?
Let’s face it. You really don’t know what’s in that taco that you just inhaled. I’m not talking about if the meat is really meat…but where did that meat come from? What about the lettuce? The onions? Catch my drift?Around 25% of all cargo theft involves some type of food product. A great deal of…
Did You See That?
Would one of your friends enjoy these? Please forward this link to them: We provide these for free because we truly care about the transportation and logistics industry and about protecting those who are in it. If you could find a spare moment to share this on your favorite social media site or send the link to…
The Newly Proposed FMCSA SFD Regulations: New Ways to Fail
The Newly Proposed FMCSA Safety Fitness Determination Regulations: New Ways to Fail Part 2 of our 10 part blog series Thursday, 1/21/2016 marked the beginning of the 60-day comment period for the proposed FMCSA regulations regarding the new safety Fitness determination. These new regulations will dramatically change the trucking industry in America…
Insights on Federal and State Insurance Filings
I originally wrote this in response to a question that was posed on LinkedIn: Of all of the times I’ve seen filings discussed, one of the best explanations of State and Federal filings can be found on Progressive’s website: Progressive Insurance-Filings Progressive Insurance writes a fair amount of owner-operators and coverage…