Fleet Safety Program Essentials

An effective fleet safety program is a critical part of any organization’s risk management planning. This is especially important because transportation related incidents account for over 40% of all fatal workplace injuries. Though there are tons of free resources out there, I haven’t found many that hold a match to one that I recently read. Though…
Truck Parking Search Costs Drivers $5k Year

Truck parking and Hours of Service issues took 3 of the top 4 spots in the 2016 annual list of industry concerns. A recently released study of the issues at hand adds a bit more clarity to the situation. Due to industry regulations, truck drivers only have about 12.5 hours of available time to drive…
FMCSA Maintains 25% Drug Testing Rate

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration just announced that it will maintain its current 25 percent random drug testing rate of truck operators in 2017. In 2016, the FMCSA lowered the minimum required drug testing rate from 50 percent to 25 percent. This continued lower rate stems from three consecutive calendar years (2012- 2014) of…
FMCSA, Some States Sharpen Audit Teeth

From Todd Dills via Over Drive Magazine: In 2013, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration offered a dark valentine to motorcoach/bus companies with announcement of its “Operation Quick Strike” enforcement sweep of such companies, during which it deployed investigative teams to target companies deemed “high-risk” by FMCSA terms. Those terms at the time defined a…